PREVOR Toxicology Laboratory and Chemical Risk Management was established in France.

For over 50 years, they have been conducting experiments that study biology, chemistry and human physiology to understand human-chemical product interactions and their acute and chronic consequences, trying to identify the essence of toxicology following Darwin ad Mendeleïev’s footsteps.

PREVOR has been creating a data pool on chemical product culture and risk potentials via studies in collaboration with scientists from Europe and the US. In toxicology studies on the other hand, information about more than 25,000 chemical products has been generated.

TOLKİM started representing PREVOR in Turkey in 1998 and we supply their first response products for chemical spills, especially to the industrial sector.

TOLKİM’s principle is “If you cannot prevent the accident, then change its outcomes” and PREVOR is a leading company in protecting people, protecting the environment and helping people who have been exposed to chemical risk.