Managing alkali spills might cause liquids to disperse in the environment or inhalation of corrosive materials. Protect yourself and minimize contact.
Basicaptal® neutralizing absorbent QUICKLY, EASILY AND SAFELY manages alkali spills!
The neutralizing effect of Basicaptal® absorbent provides fast, easy and safe intervention to even very high concentrations.
The integrated color indicator allows you to identify the chemical and monitor the neutralization process.
Alkali Neutralization Stages (1 M NaOH)
Basicaptal® absorbent will turn blue when poured on the spill.
Examples of absorption capacity
1 kg of Basicaptal® absorbs and neutralizes 1 l of ammonium.
1 kg of Basicaptal® absorbs and neutralizes 1.4 l of 20% caustic soda.
Package Contents:
1. Sprinkle Basicaptal® absorbent around the spill to stop it from spreading.
2. Pour Basicaptal® absorbent to cover the spill and wait for it to solidify in a short time.
3. Remove the mixture, which is now neutralized and reached a dough consistency.
WARNING: Managing alkali spills might cause liquids to disperse in the environment or inhalation of corrosive materials. Protect yourself and minimize contact.
BASICAPTAL® Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)